Who is the challenge for?

Anyone!  Any business owner, whether you're near the start of your business or a bit further on, if you struggle with:

- what to write in your social media

- what on earth can you post about today

- really don't have time to think about what to post today!

- and of course, getting visible and getting your business out there to more people

What am I going to learn about and how will it help my business?

The challenge is a simple one, with thirty daily prompts that you can use each day over a calendar month, or start at any time, or mix them up.  But they all will help you to share your brand and your business with your audience, on whichever social media platform you choose (or even all of them!). 

It will help you share your brand, your message, your products and services, and most of all you, with your audience, concentrating on helping them to get to know you, like you and trust you, and get them wanting to buy from you too.

- Accelerate the know/like/trust process so your potential customers and clients want to buy from you

– Connect you to your audience much more easily, and turn them into buyers and loyal fans

– Enable you to share your personality and build your personal brand whilst you’re at it too.

When and where will the challenge take place?

Sign up to the challenge here in the Academy, and you'll get access to the whole month's prompts so you can start planning your posts.  You'll also get a weekly email to remind you of the challenge prompts for the following days.

Then use the prompts to write your posts in whichever social media platform(s) you wish to. 

Start the challenge at any time, it's up to you.

I'd love you to pop into my free Facebook group, Your Brand Story  and share any wins you have, and which posts are working really well for you - or if you need some encouragement to keep going!  

How long does the challenge take?

There is a list of 31 prompts inside the challenge module for you to download in case it's a long month - but you can start at any time, it doesn't need to be at the start of the month or week, or done in the same order as my list.  Once you've looked at the prompts it shouldn't take you long to come up with what to post for each one.     

Take action every day for a whole month and let's see your social media numbers and engagement go up!  Come and enjoy being a part of my community on Facebook too. 


If you're not sure it will be worth your time, check out the testimonials from past challenges in the next section like this one:

"Love your challenges - so much useful information!"

I do indeed always give you lots of useful info, and I don't waffle either, no taking up loads of your time!  

Do I need anything to do the challenge?

No!  Just yourself.  Being able to print out the prompts would be handy, but not necessary.  (And have at least one social media platform set up and ready to post on).

How does it work?

- Find the correct prompt for each day, create your post, and add it to your social media.  Simple!  

Why is it a paid for challenge?

Yes I know challenges are often free.  But this one is for a whole month not just a few days, and I want to try and help you to keep going for the whole month - and you're more likely to take action if you've paid for it first!  Plus there are tips included, and a couple of bonuses for you to unlock at the end too :) 

Still not sure? Again, check out the testimonials from past challenges in the next lesson - here's another one:

"Loving the Challenge as always! What a lovely atmosphere in the group with everyone sharing and giving lovely comments as well as your very constructive ones. I have, again, learnt loads and becoming more confident too 🙂"

Is it live?

No it's not live; this is a challenge you can take part in at any time, whenever you like - or need to.  I'd love you to also join me in my free group Your Brand Story though, and post in there about the wins you have whilst taking part in the challenge, and ask me any questions you have about the prompts or anything. 

I did run it live for a month in November 2021, which worked really well, and may well do that again in 2022 sometime, but until then, it works just as well if you are doing it by yourself, or not in tandem with anyone else.  Or if you could do with an accountability buddy to do it with you then just get them to sign up at the same time as you!

Why are you running the challenge?

I have had the idea of running my own social media prompt challenge for years, and as I lay in bed recovering from Covid in October 2021, I started thinking about actually doing it!  So here we go.  I ran it first as a live challenge throughout November 2021, and now in early 2022 I'm turning it into an evergreen product for my Brand Academy so anyone can take part in it whenever they need some extra help with their social media. 

Plus it is a great lead in to my new content planning and creation course, From Overwhelmed to Organised, if you need to learn more about what to post where, what to write about, how to plan it - or where even to start!  This will get you confidently organised, writing the right kind of content, and knowing exactly what to say to your audience and where, to connect with them and convert them too. 

Or if you would like a whole lot of support from me and a community of like minded business owners, accountability, alongside a whole heap of trainings and resources to keep building your brand visibility and business, I'd love you to join my membership The Brand Plan.

So who’s teaching you all this?!

Photo of Jane Mucklow, Picture Your Brand

Hello!  I’m Jane, a branding photographer based in Kent, UK.  I have been taking photos since I was at least seven, when my favourite birthday present was my first camera!  My first proper job was in a picture library, selling photographs – but I soon realised that I wanted to be the one taking them, so I found some evening classes and got learning properly.  Then followed nearly a decade of photographing for other companies, before children, and redundancy, led me to starting my own photography business.

I love meeting and photographing other amazing business owners, and have discovered that I love teaching them to build better brands too, so that their photos work even more effectively for them but also so their business grows too, with strong foundations and a personal brand backing it all up and helping them stand out.  

Read more about me, or watch the video, in the welcome section below :) 



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